Fundraising tIPS

Find the Cure.

Fundraising Tips

Organize Your Fundraising Campaign

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    Creating Your Fundraising Page

    During the registration process, your individual fundraising page will be created. This basic page is editable and automatically created for you. Feel free to make it yours, by changing the picture or by editing the story.

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    Accessing and Editing Your Page

    After registration is complete, you will receive an email that says; “Welcome, <Participant Name>! Ready to start fundraising?” Click on the ‘Visit your Page’ Button to access your page. This is where you will be able to make edits after signing in. If you have any problems making edits, please email [email protected] for assistance.

Research Matters

“People are still getting cancer; and those who get cancer, we are not curing them all... Research is important to move the field forward and get the answers we need.”

– Erin Hofstatter, 2014 Grant Recipient

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    Customizing Your Fundraising Experience

    Once your page is just the way you want it, you can:

    • Set your personal fundraising goals and become your first donor!
    • Make a list of everyone you know. This will become your donor list.
    • Draft fundraising letter (samples available in Walker Resources). When you are comfortable, send it to your list – this can be done directly from your fundraising page.
    • Come up with creative fundraising activities. Be enthusiastic and tell everyone you know that you are participating.
    • Forward your check donations to the foundation on an ongoing basis.
    • Send thank you notes to your donors!

Other Suggestions

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    Optimizing Your Fundraising Strategy

    Check the Walker Guide for additional information on tracking your fundraising efforts and matching gift programs.

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    Joining the Virtual Walk Community

    Share fundraising ideas with the TBBCF virtual walk community via social media or contact us at 860-437-1400 or [email protected]

    Remember, the virtual component will allow walkers who can’t be together on Walk Day to fundraise and stay connected to a fantastic cause. Choose your activity, your distance, your where and when. Share your pictures at #tbbcfwalk19

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