It’s all in the bag at Big Y

Big Y is spreading TBBCF message

In February, Big Y in Groton will donate $1 to the Terri Brodeur Breast Cancer Foundation for every reusable grocery bag it sells at the checkout line.

TBBCF has been chosen by the Big Y at 905 Poqunnock Road, as the latest non-profit to benefit from the Community Bag Program. This means that for the entire month of February, TBBCF gets a $1 donation every time a community bag is sold.

The  program, which began in January, features a reusable community bag with a Giving Tag that allows a customer to direct the donation to TBBCF. Each month a new non-profit is featured. TBBCF was chosen by the store leadership as the February beneficiary.

For several years, TBBCF has benefited from Big Y Supermarket’s annual Partners of Hope Breast Cancer Awareness Month Campaign raising thousands for TBBCF.

So help the environment by using reusable bags and show support to TBBCF, which gives 100 percent of its fundraising dollars directly to research to find a cure for breast cancer.

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