Losing my hair … it never gets easy!

November 20

buzzcutThe buzz cut didn’t last long. Cancer doesn’t care how many times you have to go through the loss of your hair it NEVER gets easier. I choose to not let the style of my hair define who I am. I choose to smile and hold my chin high knowing that the loss of my hair is a reminder that the chemotherapy is killing (hopefully) all cells in my body that multiply. So, though I may have lost almost all of my hair this weekend, I GAINED some very special moments that I will hold close to my heart forever. Saturday was an extremely tough day, it took me a while to get out of the funk of dealing with the hair loss. Thanks to all who have carried me through this weekend: the Gardner’s for watching the Giants game with me, the Dugas’ for the continued entertainment, Kaitlynn for hanging out with me and searching the beach for treasures, my family for entertaining me during meal times (even if I didn’t eat much of anything).
#keepsmiling #weTRI4Aimee

November 19

buzzcut2Yesterday, was a day filled with keeping busy with wonderful company. I started my day with running an errand with my Mom, followed by a fabulous lunch with some of the triathlon buddies, went to the Pink Mermaid to order a new sleeve contraption for my lymphedema arm, stopped at my friend, Darlene and Mike’s house to work on a craft, went to dinner with my Grandparents, Aunt Lynn, Uncle Roger and my Mom, followed by a hair cut by my multi talented sister Jen and ended the night watching a movie with her family!

Overall, it was a difficult day watching my hair come out in clumps and being reminded once again that I am living on a prayer and a miracle. I am stuck in this mode of not wanting to miss out on anything life has to offer, which is good in a way cause it keeps me going. Above all else’s I just keep smiling and pushing forward!!! Love to you all.
#keepsmiling #WeTRI4Aimee

November 18

“You take the good, you take the bad, and there you have the facts of life.” Alan Willis Thicke

Though there are many difficulty moments, I choose to focus on all the positive things in my life. I have the best group of friends that anyone could ever have. I choose these friends, not by what they look like, where they live, what they wear, or by their age. I choose my friends by the love and joy that we bring to each other. A day spent doing something that is of similar interest and laughing and enjoying each others company is exactly what warms my heart the most. I love seeing my friends laugh, and smile along side me.

beautifulsmileI owe a lot of my happiness this week to all of my very special friends. Friends I take walks with, craft with, eat meals with, watch sitcoms with, allow me to volunteer in their classroom, do triathlon training with, and friends who come to just visit with me.

This being my “off” week from chemotherapy, I have been able to “slow” down a little and enjoy all the friend moments I can squeeze in. So though my nails may be getting funky, my memory is going out the window, my energy is lacking, and my hair is starting to fall out in clumps, I just remember all the positive moments I have and will continue to have in my life thanks to my AMAZING friends and family. #keepsmiling #WeTRI4Aimee

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